The Tape
Oh no.....not again! I am over drafting my checking account? Wait a minute - I just lost ten pounds and I am eating a whole pound of cake? I really like this guy - but I just asked him to get the hell out of my house? I got a promotion and why am I procrastinating on getting my projects done? The weird contradictions we make daily on this journey to "adulting", "womenhood" and "wholeness" can drive any sane person insane. We pray for what we want, and then we think we get it, but make choices opposite of that. As I heal from another broken relationship as women in her late thirties. I knew there would need to be a deeper discussion with myself other than, "don't worry girl, you will find him someday." No, that wasn't going to work this time. My life was starting to look like Groundhogs Day and it didn't make any sense to me. Don't I want what I say I want? Well, why do I almost have it and then it bl...